Post by: / March 4, 2016

How to Find an Orthodontist in White Rock

Looking for an Orthodontist in White Rock?

When you need quality dental care and orthodontic work done for yourself or your loved ones, you may be unsure of how exactly to find the best possible fit for your needs and preferences. Many people are usually happy to go wherever their current dentist refers them to have any special work completed on their teeth. While this is certainly a convenient way to find an orthodontist, you may not actually end up getting the best possible specialist that will suit your personal preferences. Fortunately, there are many ways to determine which orthodontist office will be the best fit for you and your family.

A good place to start searching for a quality orthodontist in your area is the internet. Whether you live in a busy city like Vancouver, or outside of the city in White Rock, you should be able to find lots of helpful reviews online about the orthodontists in the area. You can also get a good idea of what to expect from an orthodontist by checking out their website. The more information you can find online, the better you will feel about making your decision when the time comes.

Once you have narrowed down your list of possible candidates by doing some initial online research, it is a good idea to take a more detailed look at the accreditations your possible choice has received. Some orthodontists are not actually certified orthodontists, but rather dentists who are able to do some orthodontic work. It is always best to go to an orthodontist that has received full accreditation and referrals from other specialists in the area. By doing so, you will be able to give yourself options beyond the initial recommendation your dentist may have provided you with.

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Another helpful tip to keep in mind are two questions you should always ask an orthodontic specialist when you meet them for the first time. When you are in your initial consultation, or speaking to them on the phone, remember to ask if they are in fact a specialist, and how long their specialist training took. If the answer is anything other than a straightforward 2 to 3 years of training, you shouldn’t choose them as your orthodontist.

Hopefully, these tips will help you narrow down your choice to the best orthodontist in the area. While you are conducting your search, be sure to check out our website and referrals for South Surrey Smiles. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter where you can see our latest updates and get an even better idea of how we keep bring smiles to the Surrey and White Rock community.
