Post by: / May 26, 2017

4 Pizza Parties So Far This Year!

At South Surrey Smiles we take every opportunity to give back to the community and educate kids! This year is no different, so far in 2017 we have held 4 Pizza Parties! We held a contest asking students to submit their South Surrey Smiles Reviews. We drew 4 names from the review box and the winners received a Pizza Party for their entire class!

On the week of April 24th our Team went out to deliver Pizza, Drinks & Snacks to the winning classes as well gave them some quick tips on Oral Hygiene and the importance of healthy teeth! Each child also received a Swag Bag with a toothbrush, floss, and other goodies. Here are the highlights of our 2017 winners:

Monday Pizza Party:

On Monday, April 24th Keith Gordichuk had his pizza party for his grade 7 class at Rosemary Heights Elementry school.

Keith’s award-winning review read “I like South Surrey Smiles because the team is kind and welcoming. My expectations were blown out of the water when I found out that I could win prizes for keeping my teeth clean with the awesome South Surrey Smiles points card.” That’s right, Keith, keeping your teeth clean is important to us too!

Keith’s class got to learn a little bit about keeping their teeth clean, as well as what orthodontics is all about.

A big thank you to Mrs. Short for helping us at South Surrey Smiles celebrate Keith on his big day.

Tuesday Pizza Party:

On Tuesday, April 25th we visited Zia Alkema and threw her a pizza party for her and her grade 8 class at Peace Arch Elementry school.

Zia’s award-winning review read: “South Surrey Smiles is an AMAZING ortho office! I have switched orthodontists because of their hospitality, happiness and helpfulness! I love South Surrey Smiles!”

Zia’s class got to take home some cool hygiene supplies, and learn more about caring better at home for their teeth.

A big thank you to Mme Dunning for helping us at South Surrey Smiles celebrate Zia on her big day!

Wednesday Pizza Party:

On Wednesday, April 26th Ruby Sherwin was able to surprise her class with a pizza party from us!

Ruby’s award-winning review read: “I would tell people to get braces at South Surrey Smiles because you earn points and can get awesome prizes. Also, the technicians are very, very nice. I just got braces and my teeth are already straight!!!!”

Ruby’s class was able to compete for cool prizes like tooth-fairy water bottles and orthodontic inspired bracelets.
A big thank you to Mrs. Barber for celebrating Ruby with us and her class!

Thursday Pizza Party:

On Thursday, April 27th Matthew Zhang was the hero of his grade 6 class at Southridge Elementry school when South Surrey Smiles came with a pizza party!

Matthew’s class got especially competitive for the orthodontic-inspired bracelets- the boys especially became eager to answer trivia questions for these prizes!

Matthew’s award-winning review read: “My first experience was very simple and the staff were very friendly. I felt very comfortable during the whole experience and it was very enjoyable! My favorite parts were the hard parts because they were not as tough here as other places.”
We sure are glad to help make the “hard parts” a lot easier for great patients like Matthew.

A big thank you to Mr. Anderson for celebrating Matthew with us and his class!

We had such a great time delivering those pizzas. To stay up to date with events like these or our future community events be sure to follow us on Social Media you can find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.